those who were not invited 意味
- 招待{しょうたい}に漏れた人々{ひとびと}
- those {代名} : それら?あれら(の人[物])、それら◆that の複数形 Those are the worst ones of all.
- who who pron. だれ. 【+動詞】 Who's calling? (電話で)どちらさまですか Who cares? 《口語》
- not NOT {略} : not our title 当社の出版物にあらず
- those who ~する人々 All those who think so, raise hand. そうだと思う人は手を挙げてください Heaven [The Lord]
- those who were chosen 当選者{とうせんしゃ}
- those who were present 出席者{しゅっせき しゃ}
- those who ~する人々 All those who think so, raise hand. そうだと思う人は手を挙げてください Heaven [The Lord] helps those who help themselves. 《諺》天は自ら助くる者を助く。/努力は必ず報われる。 All good things come to those who wait. 《諺》慌てずに待っていれば早晩幸運がやっ
- those were prosperous times あのころは繁栄の時代だった
- those were the days Thóse were the dáys! [時に皮肉的に] 昔はよかった!
- people who were there then そのときそこにいた人々{ひとびと}
- give courage to those who (~する人々{ひとびと})を元気{げんき}づける
- meeting for those who are interested in ~に関心{かんしん}を持つ人を対象{たいしょう}とした会合{かいごう}[ミーティング]
- those who are in robust health 身体強健{しんたい きょうけん}な人々{ひとびと}
- those who are interested 希望者{きぼうしゃ}、興味{きょうみ}がある人
- those who are less fortunate 恵まれない人々{ひとびと}